Wednesday, April 24, 2013

South African Artoo Website gets hacked

Well it looks like the incompetence in our ANC run government is not just limited to the ruling NEC. Recently the government implemented the new Artoo system. This is a computerized system that South Africans use to register their cars and to pay their traffic fines through.

It seems that despite all the money thrown at it, competent security specialists were not hired and the Artoo website has being hacked by a Bangladeshi hacker. By the looks of things the hacker is also a young child.

The incompetence and lack of skilled professionals securing the Artoo website, means that its very easily possible that your private data is now in the hands of criminal gangs.

Anyone who visited the Artoo website ( on the 24th of April 2013 was greeted by the following defacement:

When you visit the Artoo website you greeted with the image above and the following cute South Korean song playing.

While this is not the most sophisticated hack we have ever seen, it made a couple of us around the office grin.

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