Saturday, February 27, 2016

Is this an example of IOL used intentionally to politically deceive people?

For those of you that do not know. IOL used to be a pretty good media house. You would get good, diverse views from it. In more recent times IOL has been bought out by people close to the ANC and a country that represses media freedom.

Sekunjalo Independent Media owns 55% of the company, the Public Investment Corporation of South Africa owns 25%, and two Chinese State Owned Enterprises (China International Television Corporation and the China Africa Development Fund) own the remaining 20% of the newspaper.

To me, IOL is a mouthpiece for the ANC and is being used to manipulate public perception.

Pretty much everyone now knows the ANC and EFF are now playing the ultra black nationalist game and are trying to demonize white people as much as possible to keep the voting population distracted leading up to the 2016 local elections.

Recently we busted a fake "race drama" story that EyeWitness News released that was manufactured to created racial tension. EWN (to their credit) later released an updated story to say the Pillay had not informed them that the account he interacted with was fake.

However, IOL picked up on the story. It was basically a rehash of the the first fake EyeWitness News story. In fact, very little attempt was made to change the wording. No attempt was made to write that the account was fake beyond reposted tweets.

I find it hard to believe the author of the story was not aware the account was not fake at the time of writing. On the IOL page about the story there is a quoted Twitter message that links back to this website about the story being fake and another quoted Twitter message where someone lets people know that the real person in the pictures is saying the account is fake.

Below is a list of screengrabs of the IOL story. Just so show you how strange this is.

Why not update the story? Why not tell the full truth in the body of the story. I will email a link of this article to Sherlissa Peters (the "author" of the IOL "Firefighter sees red over race attack" story) to try get some comment from her.

I have since spoken to the author. She said she wrote a retraction, but I am unable to find the link. My Google skills fail me. Searching IOL for "Pillay" "Firefighter" or "Joan Smith" did not bring up the retraction and there is no link from the original article to the retraction. I will update this page once I get more information.

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